Introducing the AXS Passport Portal: AXS Passport Demo

Accessibility passports are not a new concept. But, for a long time, they have been an imperfect one. 

Diversity and Ability are here to change that with the launch of AXS: a new, inclusive approach to passports that enables individuals in the workplace, education and beyond. 

We will demonstrate how we can utilise AXS Passport to remove the barriers people face when communicating their needs.

Join us monthly for our free demos.

Book your ticket now

Our speaking engagements

Our team of Disability Inclusion experts regularly speaks at events on a wide range of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion topics.

Here are just a few of the upcoming events where you can catch them:

Labels and Legacies, Online, Monthly. Or catch the entirety of the last series on Spotify.

Book D&A to speak at your event

Invite one of our expert team members to speak with passion, expertise and lived experience.

Contact us


Piers, a white non-binary person who is a wheelchair user with brown curly hair and glasses, is talking animatedly on stage at a conference.

Upcoming Webinars and Training Sessions

We’re in the process of creating some more impactful webinars and epic training sessions at the moment. Check back soon for updates or in the meantime: