Global Autocorrect

When you misspell a word, Global Autocorrect immediately corrects any mistakes. You don’t even have to stop typing while it does this – it’s just as if you had spelled the word right in the first place.

Spell checkers are useful for all of us, but they don’t always solve the problem of misspellings. Correcting misspelt words can slow you down and break your train of thought; imagine that you had to type a hundred words but after every fifth word you were interrupted with a maths problem. Even if you had a calculator to hand it would get frustrating pretty quickly!

One strategy is to avoid checking your spellings until the end of the document – you can even turn off the squiggly red underline feature in Word. However, some people have to spell-check as they go along, or they don’t find it easy to spot errors when they go back over things. So even if you have a good spell checker, auto-correction, as you type, can be a great tool.

Global Autocorrect automatically corrects spelling as you type in any program, this saves you time and helps you to remain focused on what you are typing without being distracted by misspellings and red squiggly lines as you type. It is very simple to use, no configuration is required and it uses advanced academic and industry terminology.

Global Autocorrect is intuitive software that evolves with you, it corrects your spelling in three different ways (although you won’t notice which one it is using)

  • Intelligent autocorrection: Analyses the sound pattern of the misspelt word. If the word is spelt phonetically – e.g. “telefone” instead of “telephone”, the word will be corrected, (even if you have never typed that misspelling before).
  • Factory correction: Global Autocorrect has a bank of common misspellings, so if you make one of these the word will be corrected. Over 130 subject dictionaries can be installed giving excellent coverage of general, academic and subject-specific words ranging from law to media studies, design to medicine, English to finance.
  • Custom correction: Global Autocorrect lets you add your own auto-corrections for words you tend to misspell and allows you to review these, aiding overlearning.

The program works wherever you are typing, (when using Word, writing emails, using Facebook and so on). It also is a contextual spellchecker, which means that it analysis the meaning of your sentence when correcting a misspelt word.

Global Autocorrect won’t correct every word – it will only change misspelt words when it is completely sure of the word you were meant to type.

Global Autocorrect can be used without ever having to think about it, as it corrects your spellings in the background. However, the way to get the most out of the program is to add new autocorrections to it as you go – that way the program becomes tailored to the kinds of misspellings you make.

Global Autocorrect can also be used to replace abbreviations. For example, it can be configured to replace the typed word “GAC” with “Global Autocorrect” or “Great Britain” with “GB” saving a significant amount of time in typing.

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