Disability Inclusion Training


At D&A, we think disability awareness training doesn’t go far enough. It’s not good enough to just be aware of disability; organisations should be actively including disabled people in their EDI strategy and organisational culture. 

A group of people at a training session smile at the camera.

What is Disability Inclusion Training?

With D&A’s Disability Inclusion training, you and your team will gain the knowledge, confidence and understanding of disabilities and invisible differences in the workplace. 

Arrange your Disability Inclusion Training: 

  • Three-hour workshop
  • One-hour webinar
  • Two-hour session for Access to Work recipients
A white person with short dark hair is standing in front of a navy blue Diversity and Ability banner. They are smiling at someone with long dark hair, who is out of focus in the foreground of the image.

Who is the training for?

This training is designed for employees from any sector or industry. You may be working in:

  • Human Resources (HR) 
  • People and Culture Management
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Leadership
  • Team Management

Be fearless in your disability inclusion

Our approach teaches you to go beyond compliance. You’ll learn how to leverage emotional intelligence, anti-discrimination and allyship techniques to create inclusive cultures.

Hire diverse staff and keep them

Did you know that one in six working people who become disabled while in work lose their job within one year (Burchardt, 2003)?

We’ll show you how to create a lasting culture of inclusion so that when you hire disabled staff, or when staff become disabled, they know they are supported and welcomed.

Improved sense of belonging and wellbeing

Covid-19 taught us one thing – when you accommodate disabled people you make working life better for everyone.
Don’t wait for the next worldwide pandemic to start anticipating people’s needs: ensure your employees feel supported and cared for at work.

If you have something specific in mind, get in touch. We are always delighted to talk with past or potential clients about your specific interests and answer any questions.

Request a Bespoke Package

We take Disability Inclusion Training into the real world for Transport for London staff to understand how to support disabled passengers navigating the network. 

Find out how

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